
The Griffin & Wong North American sales and client service office is based in beautiful Vancouver, Canada, and our sales team is active across the United States and Canada.

Please contact our Customer Service Director, Douglas Bray, at:

Tel: +1 (604) 724-3578

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How To Order

Creating a Griffin & Wong room in your house involves a few straightforward choices on your part. The designs currently available can be painted on 44 different background colors. There is room to further customize the pieces to match your interior coloring schemes, as the painting team can work with almost any color from Benjamin Moore's color swatches.

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Western Scenics » Paris Monuments

VeniceWestern ScenicsBohemia

This scenic design captures Paris as it existed in 1810, and was created by the French painter, DuFour. The river Seine centers the design, and the panels extend to capture many of Paris’ most famous buildings. This elegant and rather detailed design can be treated in a number of color schemes, including multicolour grey and sepia.

Paris Monuments (panels)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (panels)

Paris Monuments (panels)

Paris Monuments (panels)

The Griffin & Wong painters have also put together 2 panels for our friends on the East Coast. The 2 panels are designed to show the main features of the Washington D.C. capital area. The photos do not show the details very well, but there was also a subtle Abe Lincoln included on his chair in the Lincoln Memorial. These 2 panels work well for a framed application.

Paris Monuments (panels)

Paris Monuments (close-up)

Paris Monuments (close-up)